Hophoptua Nitisastro Manurung lahir 27 Desember 1970 di Jakarta. Dr Hophoptua Manurung masuk Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (UI) pada tahun 1989 melalui jalur UMPTN. Dr Hophoptua Manurung lulus Sarjana Kedokteran dari FK UI pada 1994 dan menyelesaikan pendidikan dokternya pada September pada 1995. Kemudian tahun 2005 menyelesaikan pendidikan Spesialis dalam bidang kedokteran Program Studi Ilmu Penyakit Saraf Fakultas Kedokteran UI. Training Trombolisis di The Royal Melbourne Hospital tahun 2009. Pelatihan Neurofisiologi di RSCM FKUI Februari 2006 sampai 30 Agustus 2007 dan mendapatkan sertifikat kompetensi tambahan untuk Neurofisiologi tahun 2022
After a night of not enough sleep, most people will likely feel drowsy the next day. And if your surroundings are dark, quiet, and relaxing enough — or if your previous night of sleep was short enough — you may even nod off inadvertently.
Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the...
Entering the digital age, gadgets have become an integral part of everyday life. However, ironically, with increased dependence on technology comes serious health threats, one of which is an increased risk of stroke. In this post, we will explore how maintaining a balanced use of technology can ...
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Suddenly Asleep? You Potentially Have Narcolepsy
After a night of not enough sleep, most people will likely feel drowsy the next day. And if your surroundings are dark, quiet, and relaxing enough — or if your previous night of sleep was short enough — you may even nod off inadvertently. Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the...
Healthy Digital Strategy: 5 Ways to Prevent Stroke in the Age of Technology and Gadgets
Entering the digital age, gadgets have become an integral part of everyday life. However, ironically, with increased dependence on technology comes serious health threats, one of which is an increased risk of stroke. In this post, we will explore how maintaining a balanced use of technology can ...