dr. I. Fadhilah. S, Sp.N

dr. I. Fadhilah. S, Sp.N


 Hermina Padang

Interventional Pain Management, Ways to Overcome Pain for Those Who Don't Like Taking Medication

Pain management is complex, personal, and different for each patient depending on the health condition they have. People who experience pain will try to reduce the pain they suffer, because pain will affect a person's quality of life. And currently, interventional pain management (IPM) is availa...

Dry Needling, Therapeutic Method of Inserting Needles to Relieve Pain

what is dry needling therapy? Many people may still feel unfamiliar with the term dry needling. What exactly is Dry Needling? Dry needling or dry needle technique is a method of medical rehabilitation that uses solid needles to relax muscles, this method inserts filiform needles into the skin,...

Back Pain Symptoms To Watch Out For

Back pain or lumbago attacks a lot when the activity or movement of the human body has exceeded normal limits. This is because the human body has limits on motion. For everyone, the common causes of back pain can be different, it can come from mechanical/ structural causes of the spine, due to ...

Myth or facts of epilepsy

Epilepsy or also known as Ayan still has a lot of wrong views for some people. In ancient times this health condition was associated with supernatural and people who experienced seizures were considered possessed or possessed by spirits. This is because society still has traditional thoughts, an...

An important method to increase the chances of recovery for stroke patients

Stroke is a neurological deficit caused by reduced blood supply to brain tissue which leads to several medical complications. This disorder can be the result of blockage (ischemic stroke) or rupture of blood vessels (hemorrhagic stroke). Thus, brain tissue does not get enough oxygen and nutrient...

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