Obstetrics and gynaecology

 Hermina Kemayoran

dr. Widi, Sp. OG merupakan dokter RS Hermina Kemayoran yang berfokus pada perawatan dan pemeliharaan kesehatan ibu hamil dan janin selama masa kehamilan hingga proses persalinan. dr. Widi, Sp. OG bisa melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: perawatan dan pemeliharaan kesehatan ibu hamil dan janin selama masa kehamilan hingga proses persalinan. Ibu-Ibu yg ingin proses kelahirannya di dokumentasikan dalam bentuk video boleh hubungi dr. Widi. Contoh video ada di youtube: ibp widiarsa.
Is It Really OK to Have Sex While Wearing a Menstrual Disc?

Menstrual discs have been the talk of many a social media feed lately, but what exactly are they? A menstrual disc is an insertable alternative period product that’s supposed to provide 12 hours of protection, let you have mess-free sex on your period, and even help minimize cramps. What a ti...

Is It Really OK to Have Sex While Wearing a Menstrual Disc?

Menstrual discs have been the talk of many a social media feed lately, but what exactly are they? A menstrual disc is an insertable alternative period product that’s supposed to provide 12 hours of protection, let you have mess-free sex on your period, and even help minimize cramps. What a ti...

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