Difficult defecation in children frequently has a psychological impact that causes trauma, causing children to become increasingly unwilling to defecate. A child's reluctance to defecate for longer will make the stool harder, thus making bowel movements more difficult. Links like this will conti...
Preparing for healthy digestion from this point on is the basic step to increase the child's immune system. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract of children also have an impact on their growth. A healthy digestive tract not only functions to digest and absorb food, but also as a defense me...
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Causes of children becoming phobic or traumatized when defecating (BAB)
Difficult defecation in children frequently has a psychological impact that causes trauma, causing children to become increasingly unwilling to defecate. A child's reluctance to defecate for longer will make the stool harder, thus making bowel movements more difficult. Links like this will conti...
Healthy Digestion for Children, Strong Immune System
Preparing for healthy digestion from this point on is the basic step to increase the child's immune system. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract of children also have an impact on their growth. A healthy digestive tract not only functions to digest and absorb food, but also as a defense me...