dr. Ignatia Ratna Prativi, Sp.N

dr. Ignatia Ratna Prativi, Sp.N


 Hermina Jatinegara

dr. Ignatia Ratna Prativi, Sp.N adalah dokter RS Hermina Jatinegara yang mendiagnosis dan mengobati masalah yang berkaitan dengan otak dan sistem saraf. dr. Ignatia Ratna Prativi, Sp.N menangani penyakit yang berkaitan dengan otak dan saraf, termasuk saraf tulang belakang dan saraf tepi.
Code Stroke: Early Detection and Quick Action to Save Lives

Sahabat Hermina, stroke is one of the main causes of disability and death throughout the world. Early detection and quick action can reduce the risk of disability and death. Code stroke is a health protocol implemented by hospitals to speed up the treatment of stroke patients. What is Code St...

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