dr. Indra Sapta Dharma S, SpB merupakan dokter RS Hermina Solo yang berfokus mengobati penyakit, cedera, atau kondisi gawat darurat pada tubuh melalui metode bedah (operatif) dan obat-obatan. Kemudian, dokter bedah akan melakukan diagnosis sesuai keahlian dan ilmu yang dimiliki untuk menentukan perlu atau tidaknya prosedur bedah dilakukan. dr. Indra Sapta Dharma S, SpB bisa melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: - Melakukan diagnosis penyakit berdasarkan pemeriksaan fisik dan pemeriksaan penunjang. - Biopsi. - Bedah emergensi, seperti pada kasus perforasi usus buntu, peritonitis, sumbatan usus, komplikasi tukak lambung (perdarahan atau bocor lambung), hernia inkarserata, dan pneumothorax,dll. - Manajemen dan perawatan luka. - Melakukan perawatan pasien sebelum, selama, dan setelah prosedur bedah, termasuk merencanakan terapi rehabilitasi kasus bedah.
Recommended Age For Circumcision
The definition of circumcision or circumcision is called circumcision in medicine. Circumcision is a surgical procedure for removing the foreskin or skin covering the penis. And this action has health benefits because the aim is to make the head of the penis open so that it is easy to cle...
Recommended Age For Circumcision
The definition of circumcision or circumcision is called circumcision in medicine. Circumcision is a surgical procedure for removing the foreskin or skin covering the penis. And this action has health benefits because the aim is to make the head of the penis open so that it is easy to cle...
Recognizing Phimosis or Phimosis in Children
In general, phimosis is a normal condition in children. The definition of phimosis or phimosis is an abnormality in the structure of the penis which is characterized by the foreskin of the penis not being completely separated from the head of the penis. This condition is what the general public ...
Getting to Know Appendicitis or Appendicitis
Hermina's friends, generally appendicitis or appendicitis is a condition caused by inflammation of the appendix (appendix). The appendix itself is a sac-shaped organ that is connected to the large intestine from the lower right side of the abdomen. The definition of appendicitis is inflammation ...
Getting to Know Appendicitis or Appendicitis
Hermina's friends, generally appendicitis or appendicitis is a condition caused by inflammation of the appendix (appendix). The appendix itself is a sac-shaped organ that is connected to the large intestine from the lower right side of the abdomen. The definition of appendicitis is inflammation ...
Health Education About Laparoscopy
What is laparoscopy? Laparoscopy is a medical procedure aimed at examining and treating organ conditions stomach and pelvis. This procedure is usually used to examine or treat a number of disorders in the gallbladder, intestines, or uterus. Laparascopy is also called keyhole, which is a proc...