dr. Intan Rengganis, Sp.PD

dr. Intan Rengganis, Sp.PD

 Internal Medicine

 Hermina Solo

Riwayat Pendidikan : TK Bayangkara Karanggede Boyolali, tahun 1993 -1995 SD Negeri Kebonan 2 Karanggede Boyolali, tahun 1995–2001 SMP Negeri 2 Salatiga, tahun 2001-2002 SMP Negeri 3 Surakarta, tahun 2002 -2004 SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta, tahun 2004 -2007 Fakultas Kedokteran UNS, tahun 2007 -2012 PPDS Ilmu Penyakit Dalam UNS Januari 2017

Controlling Cholesterol During Eid

Eid or Eid al-Fitr is the time that Muslims look forward to after a full month of fasting. This Hari Raya is a moment for family gathering and enjoying a special Eid food menu such as chicken opor, rendang, pastries served with sweet drinks. Opor ayam contains ingredients with high cholesterol...

Multivitamin Infusion in Adults

Hermina's friends, in this fast-paced era, maintain nutritional balance Daily life is often a challenge. Many people are trapped inside busy daily life and neglect to maintain a balanced nutritional intake. Therefore, no it is rare for health conditions to worsen due to deficiencies of essent...

The Effect of Domestic Violence on Mother's Well-Being in Parenting Patterns

Domestic Violence (KDRT) is any form of violence which occurs in the household environment, which is carried out by one of the members family towards other family members. Domestic violence does not only include violence physical, but can also take the form of emotional, psychological and eco...

Get to know the causes, symptoms and ways to prevent hypertension

Hermina's friends, in general hypertension is high blood pressure or exceeds normal limits. Hypertension is a condition where the systolic blood pressure increases ≥140mmHg and the diastolic blood pressure ≥90mmHg. One of the causes of hypertension can occur due to genetic or hereditary factors....

Healthy, Productive, and Independent Elderly with Germas

The healthy living community movement, also known as Germas, is a culture of healthy living that is carried out regularly and abandons unhealthy habits and behavior in society. The definition of an elderly person is someone who has reached the age of 60 years or more. Meanwhile, pre-elderly is s...

The Importance of the Influenza Vaccine

In general, many people do not understand the importance of the flu vaccine keep the body's immune system strong. Of course, people are reluctant to get it flu vaccination is understandable. Influenza is not included in the standard vaccine. Besides that, Influenza is classified as a mild ill...

Healthy Living With Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is known as diabetes and diabetes. However, the notion of Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease in which the sugar level in a person's blood becomes high because the sugar in the blood cannot be used by the body. The causes of diabetes, namely : 1. Lack of Insulin Am...

Tips for Losing Weight for Diabetes Sufferers

Hermina's friends maintaining a healthy weight is important for everyone. However, for diabetes sufferers, this is very important. However, what needs to be paid attention to is that people with diabetes must be wary of weight gain. That way, this condition could trigger other health complaints....

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