dr. Irvan Kusumanegara, Sp.An-TI, Subsp.MN (K), FIPM, MM

dr. Irvan Kusumanegara, Sp.An-TI, Subsp.MN (K), FIPM, MM


 Hermina Bogor

Dr. Irvan adalah spesialis anestesi dan terapi intensif dan konsultan managemen nyeri. Setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan spesialis di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, beliau menjalankan pendidikan lanjut dan fellowship di berbagai negara di Eropa dan Asia. Beliau menyelesaikan fellowship pain management di Daradia Pain Clinic, West Bengal, India (2010), Onomichi General Hospital, Jepang (2013), dan St. Ana Ziekenhuis Eindhoven, Belanda (2014).
Chronic Pain Management with Radiofrequency Ablation

The nervous system in the body has a very important role in creating pain. When the body is experiencing a disturbance, the nerves will send a signal to the brain; then the brain will interpret the signal and send it back to the problematic part of the body so that it interferes with the process...

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