dr. Iwan Setiawan, Sp.OT

dr. Iwan Setiawan, Sp.OT

 Surgery - (Orthopedics and Traumatology)

 Hermina Ciruas

This doctor unavailable for appointment

Nyeri Tulang Belakang Sakit tulang belakang atau spinal pain adalah nyeri yang terjadi pada bagian dari ruas tulang belakang. Nyeri atau sakit ini dapat terjadi di ruas tulang belakang bagian leher (tulang servikal), punggung atas dan tengah (tulang toraks), punggung bawah atau pinggang (tula...

Getting to Know Osteoporosis and Its Treatment

Definition  Osteoporosis is a chronic medical condition characterized by a decrease in bone density, making bones brittle and more prone to fractures. It is a common health problem, particularly among postmenopausal women and the elderly. Diagnosis of someone with osteoporosis is usually m...

Getting to Know Osteoporosis and Its Treatment

Definition  Osteoporosis is a chronic medical condition characterized by a decrease in bone density, making bones brittle and more prone to fractures. It is a common health problem, particularly among postmenopausal women and the elderly. Diagnosis of someone with osteoporosis is usually m...

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