dr. Joy Christy Carol Lengkey, SpA

dr. Joy Christy Carol Lengkey, SpA


 Hermina Manado

dr. Joy Christy Carol Lengkey, SpA salah satu dokter spesialis anak di rumah sakit umum hermina manado yang berfokus pada penanganan masalah kesehatan anak sejak lahir hingga usia remaja (18 tahun) yang meliputi pencegahan, pengobatan, bisa melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: - Melakukan pemeriksaan fisik - Memeriksa riwayat kesehatan anak sejak lahir - Memberikan imunisasi atau suntikan untuk pengobatan - Menyampaikan saran perawatan anak - Mengamati perkembangan anak - Melakukan tindakan segera dalam kondisi gawat darurat - Menjelaskan kesehatan anak - Merujuk anak ke dokter sub-spesialis sesuai dengan kebutuhan
Watch out for fuss. Know the causes and treatment of diaper rash in babies

Do parents, especially those with babies, know what diaper rash is? Surely parents are already familiar with this term because so many babies experience this complaint. However, if parents are still unfamiliar with this word, it would be best to read the full explanation so that they can know th...

Remember, Mothers, Don't Miss Complete Vaccinations for Your Beloved Babies

Newborn babies are very susceptible to infection with various diseases because the baby's immune system is not yet fully formed, so fulfilling basic vaccinations for babies is a priority that we should not miss. The Indonesian Ministry of Health and the Indonesian Pediatrician Association have i...

Baby Massage, Let's Know the Benefits so That Babies are Happy, Parents are Calm

There are so many ways that parents can do to make their baby happy and grow healthily, one way is by doing baby massage or baby massage which is currently one of the trends that parents really like to provide more comfort for their beloved baby. Baby massage itself is a touch for multisensor...

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