Obstetrics and gynaecology
Hermina Call Center: 1500-488
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Direktorat Jendral Perlindungan Konsumen dan Tertib Niaga Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia.
WhatsApp: 0853-1111-1010.
Tips Mempersiapkan Kehamilan
Tips Mempersiapkan Kehamilan
COVID-19 Symptoms in Pregnant Women and the Effect for the Baby
Menopause at a Young Age, Is It Possible?
Hermina's friends are certainly familiar with the word menopause, which often occurs in older women, but is it true that menopause only occurs in older women? And what can happen when women experience menopause? Menopause at a Young Age: Is It Possible? Menopause is a condition that...
The Smoking Effect
Pregnant Women Stay Comfortable Without Morning Sickness
Who is Hermina's friend here who is experiencing morning sickness (nausea and vomiting) during pregnancy? Pregnancy is certainly the most anticipated moment for all couples. However, the beginning of pregnancy is a period that is not easy for Hermina's friends to get through. In this phase, Herm...
Pregnancy is fun without nausea and vomiting
Pregnancy is one of the happy moments that every couple awaits, but in the early stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers often find it difficult because they have to go through uncomfortable periods due to hormonal changes that occur. A common complaint felt in early pregnancy is the struggle to ...
Apa Penyebab Kanker Ovarium (Kanker Indung Telur) ?