
 Hermina Kemayoran

dr. Kishore Sp. A merupakan dokter RS Hermina Kemayoran yang berfokus pada penanganan masalah kesehatan anak sejak lahir hingga usia remaja (18 tahun) yang meliputi pencegahan, pengobatan, hingga perawatan. dr. Kishore Sp. A bisa melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: Memeriksa riwayat kesehatan anak sejak lahir, memberikan imunisasi atau suntikan untuk pengobatan, menyampaikan saran perawatan anak, memantau pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak, melakukan tindakan segera dalam kondisi gawat darurat, menjelaskan kesehatan anak, merujuk anak ke dokter sub-spesialis sesuai dengan kebutuhan, mengobati masalah kesehatan anak
Have Difficulty Urinating? Understanding Urinary Retention

Urinary retention is the loss or reduced ability to empty the bladder completely. This situation is part of the lower urinary tract / lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). In general, urinary retention is divided into 2 conditions, which are acute urinary retention and chronic urinary retentio...

Exposed to Measles? How does the measles virus cause disease?

Measles is an acute viral infection caused by Paramyxovirus. Transmission of the disease happens by airborne. As an infectious disease, measles may cause serious health problems for babies, pregnant women, and immunocompromised people. In developing countries, measles is still a serious healt...

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