Dokter Spesialis Anak Konsultan Pediatric Emergency Medicine seorang dokter yang bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan pemeriksaan dan pengobatan pada anak yang mengalami kondisi tidak stabil dan kritis. Kondisi yang ditangani dokter anak ahli ERIA biasanya membutuhkan pengawasan intensif dan penanganan yang secepat mungkin.
Hermina's friends, before breaking the fast, usually Muslims have prepared a number of foods. When breaking the fast, usually the food eaten is sweet and fresh. However, there are actually a number of foods that Hermina's friends should avoid when breaking the fast. What foods should be avoided ...
Hermina's friend, bathing a baby is an ability that every parent must have. There are many new parents who continue to bathe their baby. Therefore, let's see how to bathe a baby properly. Bathing the baby must be done properly and correctly. Various things to pay attention to and the game of par...
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Hermina's friends, before breaking the fast, usually Muslims have prepared a number of foods. When breaking the fast, usually the food eaten is sweet and fresh. However, there are actually a number of foods that Hermina's friends should avoid when breaking the fast. What foods should be avoided ...
Steps and how to bathe a baby for parents
Hermina's friend, bathing a baby is an ability that every parent must have. There are many new parents who continue to bathe their baby. Therefore, let's see how to bathe a baby properly. Bathing the baby must be done properly and correctly. Various things to pay attention to and the game of par...