dr. La Ode Maly Ray, Sp.BS

dr. La Ode Maly Ray, Sp.BS

 Surgery - (Neurosurgery)

 Hermina Kendari

This doctor unavailable for appointment
Dokter spesialis yang dapat mendiagnosis, memberikan pengobatan, dan melakukan operasi untuk menangani gangguan pada sistem saraf. Sistem saraf ini termasuk sistem saraf pusat (otak dan saraf tulang belakang), serta saraf tepi yang berada di seluruh bagian tubuh.
Spina Bifida Will Impact This If Not Prevented

What is spina bifida? Let's Listen! Spina bifida is actually not a new disease, but it has been around for decades. The problem is that maybe some of us don't recognize that this disease actually exists, what is the name of the disease, and what kind of prevention can even be done so that the di...

Head Injuries are One of the Top Causes of Death

What is a head injury? Head injuries are all types of injuries to the brain, tissue and blood vessels in the head, skull and scalp that occur due to impact. In society, head injuries are often known as brain concussions, cerebral hemorrhages and brain hemorrhages. Head injuries are divided into...

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