dr. Lanny Indriastuti, Sp.KFR merupakan dokter rehabilitasi medis, dokter spesialis yang berperan membantu memulihkan fungsi tubuh pasien yang mengalami gangguan atau kecacatan. Dengan bantuan dokter rehabilitasi medis, pasien diharapkan dapat memiliki kualitas hidup yang lebih baik.
Stroke management requires appropriate therapy to provide the best results for patients, from neurologists to medical rehabilitation doctors. This is because a stroke that occurs due to a blockage in the blood vessels of the brain or bleeding in the brain can affect many other organs because the...
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STROKE Therapy With Bobath Exercise Approach
Stroke management requires appropriate therapy to provide the best results for patients, from neurologists to medical rehabilitation doctors. This is because a stroke that occurs due to a blockage in the blood vessels of the brain or bleeding in the brain can affect many other organs because the...