dr. Lasmida Ruth, Sp.M adalah dokter RS Hermina Bekasi yang memiliki keahlian spesifik dalam memberikan pemeriksaan, perawatan, serta diagnosis yang berhubungan dengan penyakit mata dan gangguan penglihatan. Bukan hanya itu, dokter spesialis mata juga memiliki kompetensi dalam menangani operasi mata.
Can Minus Eyes Be Cured with Medicine?
Nearsightedness or myopia can be suffered by anyone, both men and women. Farsightedness or minus eye or in medical language myopia is a disorder or disorder of the eye where it is difficult to see objects or objects that are far away look blurry because there is power from the color that is too ...
The Importance of Cataract Screening
Cataract is a condition where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy. The incidence of cataracts is often found in the elderly and usually occurs due to the aging process. The incidence of cataract cases is among the highest which can cause blindness. Cataract is a clouding of the eye's lens or len...