dr. Leon Abirawa Sp.N FMIN

dr. Leon Abirawa Sp.N FMIN


 Hermina Sukabumi

9 Tips for Overcoming Back Pain at Home

Back pain is characterized by the appearance of pain in the lower back or sides. This condition can be triggered by many factors, ranging from increasing age, sitting too long, pregnancy, being overweight, rarely exercising or lifting heavy weights. In addition, back pain can also occur due t...

“Segera Ke RS” Helps Faster Stroke Recovery

Hermina's friends must be familiar with stroke. Stroke is a condition where rapidly developing clinical signs are found in the form of focal or global neurological deficits, which can be severe, last for 24 hours or more, or cause death without any cause. something other than vascular. Stroke...

What is the Purpose of an EEG Examination?

EEG is short for electroencephalography. This is an examination technique related to nerves. Of course, this examination can only be done in a hospital on the advice of a doctor. Let's find out more about what the purpose of an EEG examination is and what the procedure looks like.   D...

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