dr. Lingga Ramot Gumelar, SpPD

dr. Lingga Ramot Gumelar, SpPD

 Internal Medicine

 Hermina Bitung

Dokter penyakit dalam adalah dokter spesialis yang menangani berbagai keluhan, gejala, dan masalah kesehatan terkait hampir seluruh sistem organ dalam tubuh pasien dewasa dan lansia.biasanya dokter spesialis penyakit dalam biasanya menangangani Keluhan pada sistem pernapasan, seperti sesak napas, batuk darah, dan nyeri saat bernapas. Keluhan pada sistem pencernaan, seperti diare kronis, perutsering kembung, perdarahan saluran pencernaan, dan gangguan penyerapan nutrisi.Keluhan pada organ hati, seperti sakit kuning, nyeri perut, perut bengkak, dan mudah memar. Keluhan pada jantung dan pembuluh darah, seperti nyeri dada dan sesak napas setelah menjalani aktivitas tertentu.Keluhan pada ginjal, seperti sulit pipis, kencing darah, nyeri saat berkemih, dan tubuh bengkak.
Beware of the Monkey Pox Virus, Recognize the Symptoms!

Hello Hermina friends, Monkeypox is a disease caused by the monkeypox virus. Originally, this disease was a zoonotic disease, meaning it was transmitted from animals to humans. This disease can also spread from human to human. Friends of Hermina, you need to know that people who are at risk o...

The Importance of Vaccines for Umrah and Haji

Hello Hermina friends, the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) issued Circular Number HK.02.02/A/3717/2024 concerning the Implementation of Meningitis Vaccination for Hajj and Umrah Pilgrims. This circular contains provisions that meningococcal meningitis vaccination is mandatory for those ...

Beware of Diabtes Mellitus following healthy steps to Prevent Diabetes Mellitus

Hello friends of Hermina Bitung, Diabetes mellitus (DM) is defined as a chronic metabolic disease or disorder with multiple etiologies characterized by high blood sugar levels accompanied by disturbances in carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism as a result of insulin function insufficiency....

"A Healthy Lifestyle Can Turn Out to Overcome Stomach Acid, Let's find out how to overcome it"

Hello Hermina friends, stomach acid can be cured with a healthy lifestyle, Hermina friends need to know what stomach acid is. Gastric acid disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a symptom that causes a burning feeling in the chest due to stomach acid rising into the esophagus. Incr...

Beware of Kidney Failure! Can be affected by all age groups! Recognize the Symptoms..

Hello Hermina friends, Hermina friends need to understand that kidney failure can be experienced by all ages and Hermina friends need to know that kidney failure is something to be wary of. Apart from that, kidney problems, infections, kidney stones, kidney failure and tumors. How can kidney ...

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