dr. Liza Arianita, M.Ked (DV), Sp.DV

dr. Liza Arianita, M.Ked (DV), Sp.DV

 Dermatology & Venereology

 Hermina Medan

dr. Liza Arianita, M.Ked (DV), Sp.DV merupakan dokter spesialis kulit dan kelamin di RSU Hermina Medan. Beliau dapat menangani beragam masalah kesehatan kulit dan kelamin, baik pada pria dan wanita seperti alergi kulit, infeksi jamur, herpes zoster, jerawat, dll. Beliau dapat mendiagnosa dan memberikan penanganan sesuai kebutuhan
Recognize Fungal Acne that is different from ordinary acne

Fungal acnenamely infection of the hair follicles that occur due to excessive growth of fungus. This condition can cause a collection of small, itchy and red bumps on the skin, so many people often mistake them for pimples. Even though there is the term 'acne' or acne, fungal acne or fungal a...

Danger of Extreme Hot Weather for skin health

Danger of Extreme Hot Weather for skin health   Sunlight or ultraviolet (UV) is a natural ingredient that can provide sufficient intake of vitamin D in the body. The benefits do not only help the process of bone formation in children. In adults, exposure to UV light is also effecti...

How to get rid of pockmarked acne scars

Acne is a skin disease that arises through a long process. Acne occurs due to clogged pores and excessive oil glands. Clogged pores and excess oil will cause micro blackheads. If these micro comedones are not treated, they will become comedones or commonly called brunts. If blackheads are not tr...

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