dr. Lusiana , SpGK merupakan dokter RS Hermina Solo yang berfokus menangani masalah kesehatan pasien terkait gizi, serta memberikan terapi medis gizi sesuai kondisi pasien dan berorientasi pada riwayat penyakit dan keadaan umum pasien. dr. Lusiana , SpGK bisa melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: -Melakukan pemeriksaan fisik dan anamnesis (wawancara medis). -Memberikan promosi kesehatan terkait gizi dan kesehatan pada masyarakat dan pasien sebagai upaya pencegahan penyakit. -Meninjau status gizi, metabolisme, dan saluran cerna. -Memberikan pemenuhan kebutuhan gizi serta cairan pada pasien. -Memberi terapi nutrisi serta pola makan tertentu, misalnya meresepkan jumlah kalori, protein, karbohidrat, lemak, serat, vitamin, dan mineral yang dibutuhkan. -Menentukan cara pemberian nutrisi, baik secara oral (makan seperti biasa), pemberian makanan melalui selang lambung (pipa nasogastrik/NGT), atau melalui infus. -Mengevaluasi status gizi, serta kesehatan pasien secara menyeluruh pasca perawatan gizi
Healthy Diet For Elderly
Nutrisi Yang Tepat Selama Puasa Ramadhan
Proper Nutrition During Ramadan Fasting
Inbody : Sophisticated Tool To Help The Process Of Weight Loss Correctly
Obesity is a high accumulation of fat in the body due to an imbalance of energy intake and energy output in the long term and results in an increased risk of morbidity. The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing. The 2018 Riskesdas data shows an increase in the Indonesian populatio...
Healthy Living With a Balanced Diet
Diet is the most important behavior that can affect nutritional status. This is because the quantity and quality of food and drink consumed will affect a person's level of health. In order for the body to stay healthy and avoid various chronic diseases or non-communicable diseases (NCDs) relat...
Golden Period Nutrition
Inbody : Sophisticated Tool To Help The Process Of Weight Loss Correctly
Obesity is a high accumulation of fat in the body due to an imbalance of energy intake and energy output in the long term and results in an increased risk of morbidity. The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing. The 2018 Riskesdas data shows an increase in the Indonesian populatio...
Healthy Teenagers Free of Anemia and CED
Hermina's friend, humans experience growth and development during their lives. One of the phases experienced is when you are a teenager. Adolescent growth and development is a process of change that occurs in cognitive, behavioral, social and emotional functions according to biological developme...
Balanced Nutrition in Children
Hermina's Friend Balanced nutrition for early childhood is very necessary. Therefore, parents must fulfill a balanced nutritional intake. Balanced nutrition is a daily diet that contains nutrients in types and quantities that suit the body's needs, taking into account the principles of food dive...