dr.Marcel Elian Suwito,SpOG , FICS

dr.Marcel Elian Suwito,SpOG , FICS

 Obstetrics and gynaecology

 Hermina Serpong

dr.Marcel Elian Suwito,SpOG , FICS, merupakan dokter RS Hermina Serpong yang berfokus pada perawatan dan pemeliharaan kesehatan ibu hamil dan janin selama masa kehamilan hingga proses persalinan. dr.Marcel Elian Suwito,SpOG , FICS, bisa melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: perawatan dan pemeliharaan kesehatan ibu hamil dan janin selama masa kehamilan hingga proses persalinan
Can I listen to music while pregnant?

In general, listening to music during pregnancy can provide various benefits for pregnant women. Besides being able to relieve anxiety, listening to music also makes pregnant women more relaxed and calm during pregnancy. The rhythm of music is known to affect the thoughts and moods of everyone w...

Recommended Sleeping Positions in the 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy

When the pregnancy reaches the 3rd trimester, there will be a change in sleeping position due to physical changes and hormonal imbalance. The right sleeping position can reduce complaints and make pregnant women sleep better. Adequate and quality sleep is needed by everyone, including pregnant w...

Get to know the stages of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a condition used to describe the period during which a fetus develops in the uterus. Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks from the last menstrual period. Pregnancy is divided into 3 different trimesters; 1. First Trimester (1-13 weeks). In this phase there will be an increase in the beta hcg ...

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