dr. Marly Susanti, Sp.OG-KFER

dr. Marly Susanti, Sp.OG-KFER

 Obstetrics and gynaecology - (Infertility)

 Hermina Depok

 Hermina Bekasi

dr. Marly Susanti, Sp.OG-KFER adalah dokter kandungan yang secara khusus menangani masalah kesuburan. Tak hanya itu, dokter yang mendalami bidang fertilitas atau kesuburan juga menangani masalah pada sistem reproduksi dan gangguan fungsi seksual
Insemination or IVF? The right choice for picking up your little one

For married couples, having children is a dream. However, not all lucky married couples make this dream come true. Because there are some couples who have fertilization or fertility problems which can be an obstacle to having a baby. Currently the medical world has become more advanced, plann...

Waspada Keguguran Berulang

Pregnancy is the thing most awaited by married couples. But not a few couples who have difficulty having children due to repeated miscarriages. Hermina's friend, miscarriage is one of the complications of pregnancy that can occur during pregnancy. Therefore, every pregnant woman must do her best...

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