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Pada hari Senin & Selasa16-17Desember 2024 Seluruh Direksi & Karyawan PT. CNG Hilir Raya Palembangmelakukan pemeriksaan Medical Check Up bersama RS Hermina Palembang yang di lakukan di ruang MCU lantai 6 di Gedung PadmaRS Hermina Palembang.Terimakasih telah mempe...
The Angels Awards world stroke organization awarded Gold Status to Hermina Makassar Hospital as a health service facility in South Sulawesi with superior code stroke services. Code stroke is emergency treatment for someone who has had a stroke by administering thrombolytic drugs less than 4.5 ho...
Hospital medical check up activities. Hermina Makasar with participants from Makassar Toll Road company employees. Includes routine examinations such as spirometry, audiometry, chest x-ray, laboratory and doctor consultation. The medical check-up activity will take place from 11-13 December 20...
The best option with specialized doctors and comprehensive medical tests. It is highly suitable for those with a family history of diseases or for those who want to ensure their health condition is in excellent shape.
Diamond Medical Check-Up
A comprehensive health check-up package from RS Hermina that includes consultations with specialist doctors and advanced diagnostic tests to ensure your overall health.
Gold Medical Check-Up
Get a comprehensive and professional health check-up at RS Hermina with the Gold Medical Check-Up package, which includes specialist doctors and complete laboratory tests.