dr. Maya Anggraeni,Sp.KJ adalah Dokter Kesehatan Jiwa atau Psikiatri di RS Hermina Pekalongan. Psikiater adalah seorang dokter spesialis yang mendalami ilmu kesehatan jiwa dan perilaku (psikiatri). Psikiatri sendiri adalah cabang keilmuan medis yang fokus pada diagnosis, pengobatan, dan pencegahan terhadap gangguan emosional, kejiwaan, maupun perilaku. Psikiater memiliki kemampuan untuk mendiagnosis dan menangani gangguan mental pada pasien. Psikiater memiliki pengetahuan mendalam mengenai pencegahan, diagnosis, serta pengobatan
The Importance of Maintaining Mental Health When Work Stress Hits
The workplace is an environment that can impact mental health in many ways. For many people, work is an important part of their lives, but the pressure and stress of work can take a toll on mental health. Therefore, it is important to recognize the signs of stress and know how to manage work str...
Putri Ariani is an accomplished figure; is it true that a healthy mentality can make teenagers achieve?
Putri Ariani's name began to be known after she participated in the 2014 Indonesia's Got Talent competition and won the position as the winner. Ariani Nisam Putri, better known as Putri Ariani, was born on December 31, 2005. She is an Indonesian solo pop singer-songwriter with a visual impairmen...
Putri Ariani is an accomplished figure; is it true that a healthy mentality can make teenagers achieve?
Anxiery Disorder and How to Overcome It
Anxiety disorder is a mental disorder where a person experiences excessive anxiety. Although anxiety is a natural thing, if the anxiety you experience continues to interfere with your daily activities, you should be more vigilant. If left untreated, people with excessive anxiety disorder may ...
Myth or Fact: Is Overwhelming While Sleeping the Work of Spirits?
Have you ever felt that something was pressing on you while you were sleeping so that your body couldn't move? Well, in the medical world, sleep paralysis is called sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is a transitional state that occurs when a person experiences temporary paralysis to react, move, ...