dr. Maya Fitrie Nadya Lubis, SpTHT-KL

dr. Maya Fitrie Nadya Lubis, SpTHT-KL


 Hermina Ciledug

dr. Maya Fitrie Nadya Lubis, SpTHT-KL adalah dokter spesialis THT-KL (Telinga, Hidung, Tenggorokan – Kepala dan Leher) adalah poliklinik yang menyediakan layanan kesehatan untuk pasien yang mengalami gangguan pada organ-organ THT-KL, yaitu telinga, hidung, tenggorokan, kepala, dan leher.
Carefully clean your ears using a cotton bud

he ears automatically clean themselves when we talk, chew or move the jaw. Usually, when it is dirty, ear wax comes out by itself along with jaw movements that make the cheek muscles move. So, do you still need to clean your ears with a cotton bud? In fact, cleaning your ears with a cotton bu...

Do you often use earphones? Don't forget to take care of your ear health

For some people, headsets or earphones are now important objects because they are used to listen to music or receive telephone calls. Using earphones at high volume or using them for too long has a bad effect on ear health, because it can damage the cochlea in the inner ear. You also need to ...

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