dr. Melke Joanne Tumboimbela, Sp.N (K)

dr. Melke Joanne Tumboimbela, Sp.N (K)


 Hermina Manado

Layanan Saraf Neurologi Yang Bisa Dikerjakan : Nyeri kepala, stroke, kejang-kejang, gangguan tidur, parkinson, nyeri pinggang, kram-kram, gangguan memori, Pusing Gangguan Gerak dan Tremor
Beware of Stroke Disaese Not Regardless of Age

Stroke is a condition where clinical signs are found that develop in the form of impaired or reduced blood supply to the brain due to blockage (ischemic stroke) or possibly rupture of blood vessels (hemorrhagic stroke). You need to know that without a blood supply flowing to the brain, the intak...

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