dr. Miftahul Fahmi Fadil Somad, Sp PD merupakan dokter RSIA Hermina Mutiara Bunda Salatiga yang berfokus menangani berbagai keluhan dan masalah
kesehatan organ tubuh bagian dalam pada pasien dewasa dan lansia. Penanganan yang dilakukan mencakup mendiagnosis,
mencegah, dan mengobati penyakit akut maupun kronis pada orang dewasa dan lansia, melalui pemberian obat-obatan
atau tindakan nonbedah. dr. Miftahul Fahmi Fadil Somad, Sp PD bisa melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: - Melakukan
pemeriksaan fisik - Memeriksa riwayat kesehatan - Menyampaikan saran perawatan - Mengamati perkembangan medis pasien
- Melakukan tindakan segera dalam kondisi gawat darurat
- Menjelaskan kesehatan pasien
- Merujuk pasien ke dokter sub spesialis sesuai dengan kebutuhan
What is Dyspepsia?
What is Dyspepsia? Dyspepsia is a condition caused by discomfort in the upper stomach due to acid reflux disease or ulcers. Usually what is felt is nausea, pain in the pit of the stomach, vomiting and lots of burping. Dyspepsia is not a disease. However, it is an early sign or early symp...
Healthy Lifestyle to Prevent Cancer
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. However, many cancer cases can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle. A well-balanced lifestyle not only reduces the risk of cancer but also improves overall quality of life. Here are some key strategies to prevent cancer: 1...
The Importance of Blood Donation and How to Do It
Blood donation is an act that can save lives, as donated blood can help people in need. Benefits of Blood Donation In addition to helping others, blood donation is also beneficial for the donor's health, including: - Reducing the risk of heart disease - Maintaining liver health - Help...
Physical Impact of Drug Abuse on the Human Body
Drugs, or narcotics and illegal substances, can have extremely damaging effects on the human body. While some types of drugs are still used in the medical field for therapeutic purposes, their usage must be highly controlled and only prescribed to specific patients. Drug abuse, on the oth...
Healthy Tips for Good Kidney Function
Hello Hermina's Friends, Currently, sweetened beverages and various flavored drinks are becoming increasingly popular among many people. However, we often forget how important it is to drink plain water. Yet, plain water plays a crucial role in maintaining body health, especially kidney funct...
Facts About Cancer You Need to Know
Hello Hermina Friends, Cancer is one of the diseases that is a frightening specter for many people. Although there is already a lot of information available, there are still some facts that we need to know so that we can better understand and face cancer wisely. Here are some important facts ...
What is Dyspepsia?
What is Dyspepsia? Dyspepsia is a condition caused by discomfort in the upper stomach due to acid reflux disease or ulcers. Usually what is felt is nausea, pain in the pit of the stomach, vomiting and lots of burping. Dyspepsia is not a disease. However, it is an early sign or early symp...
In December, cases of gastrointestinal diseases, such as diarrhea and gastroenteritis, may also increase. This is due to unhygienic food and cold weather that can slow down the digestive process. To prevent the transmission of digestive diseases, it is important to eat clean, well-cooked food an...