dr. Mohammad Dwijo Murdiyo, Sp.THT-KL(K)

dr. Mohammad Dwijo Murdiyo, Sp.THT-KL(K)

 Otorhinolaryngology - (Laryngo-Pharyngology)

 Hermina Tangkuban Perahu

Dokter Spesialis THT melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk : Gangguan hidung. Kondisi ini meliputi alergi, sinusitis, kesulitan mencium suatu aroma, cedera hidung, hidung tersumbat, serta tumor atau kanker di hidung. Gangguan tenggorokan, Gangguan tidur, Gangguan di leher dan kepala.
Know the Otoacoustic Emissions Check?

Otoacoustic Emission (OAE) is a newborn screening or hearing test that captures emissions in the cochlea. Why Need an Otoacoustic Emission (OAE) Test? Hearing loss in infants and children is difficult to detect early on, because hearing loss can cause speech, language, cognitive, social an...

Recognize the Function of Otoacoustic Emission (OAE) Examination in Babies

Otoacoustic Emission (OAE) is a newborn screening or hearing test that captures emissions in the cochlea. Why Need an Otoacoustic Emission (OAE) Test? Hearing loss in infants and children is difficult to detect early on, because hearing loss can cause speech, language, cognitive, social an...

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