dr. Muhammad Jabal Nur, Sp.PD

dr. Muhammad Jabal Nur, Sp.PD

 Internal Medicine

 Hermina Makassar

dr. Muhammad Jabal Nur, Sp. PD adalah salah satu dokter spesialis di Rumah Sakit Hermina Makassar. Dokter penyakit dalam atau internis adalah dokter yang menangani berbagai keluhan dan masalah kesehatan pada pasien dewasa dan lansia. Penanganan yang dilakukan mencakup semua organ tubuh bagian dalam.
The Importance of Doing a Health Check Before Fasting

Towards the holy month of Ramadan which we will soon welcome, of course there are various preparations for a month full of blessings for all Muslims around the world. One of them is preparing health. Moreover, if the person has a history of chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease ...

Symptoms of gallstone disease that are rarely noticed

Gallstones or gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive juices that can form in the gallbladder. Gallstones are small stones that come from cholesterol and form in the human bile ducts. Gallstones are thought to be formed due to the accumulation and hardening of cholesterol accumulated in ...

What is Gastritis and How to Prevent

Gastritis or what is commonly known as gastric inflammation is an inflammatory condition in the lining of the inner wall of the goat. Based on the duration of occurrence, gastritis is divided into acute and chronic gastritis. Acute gastritis appears suddenly and is severe. While chronic gastriti...

The Importance of Doing a Health Check Before Fasting

Towards the holy month of Ramadan which we will soon welcome, of course there are various preparations for a month full of blessings for all Muslims around the world. One of them is preparing health. Moreover, if the person has a history of chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease ...

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