dr. Mukhyarjon, SpPD

dr. Mukhyarjon, SpPD

 Internal Medicine

 Hermina Pekanbaru

Dokter penyakit dalam adalah dokter spesialis yang menangani berbagai keluhan, gejala, dan masalah kesehatan terkait hampir seluruh sistem organ dalam tubuh pasien dewasa dan lansia. Dokter penyakit dalam memiliki keahlian dan kompetensi untuk menangani berbagai penyakit yang tidak dapat ditangani oleh dokter umum.
Extreme Weather, Here are 6 Healthy Tips for Facing the Rainy Season

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency has issued an early warning for extreme weather in several regions in Indonesia due to climate shifts. The rain is evenly distributed in several areas in Indonesia, forcing us to be aware of the various potential co-morbidities that occur during...

Get to Know More About Crooked Fingers

The term crooked fingers or in medical language is rheumatoid arthritis (RA), is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that attacks the lining of the joints, called the synovium, which causes pain and swelling and loss of function in the joints. The most commonly affected joints are in the hands an...

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