dr. Nidya Kartika Dewi, Sp.OG merupakan dokter spesialis kebidanan dan kandungan RS Hermina Banyumanik yang mendalami kesehatan sistem reproduksi wanita. Selain itu, dokter yang sering juga disebut sebagai dokter spesialis obstetri dan ginekologi (obgyn) yang utamanya berperan dalam membantu memeriksa ibu hamil, membantu persalinan, dan perawatan setelah persalinan. Meski sebenarnya beragam kondisi dan penyakit yang memengaruhi sistem reproduksi wanita juga dapat ditangani oleh dokter kandungan.
Get to know more about contraception, let's look at the explanation
Hi Hermina Friends, after giving birth you are confused about what birth control to use? Come on, look at the following explanation. Contraception is an attempt to prevent pregnancy on a temporary and permanent basis. Types of contraception: permanent contraception: in women tubectomy (b...
Print a smart generation since pregnancy
Having a baby who is born healthy is of course the dream of every parent. To get it, of course, must maintain the health of the womb. Knowledge of pregnant women about the nutritional content that they should consume will have an impact on the baby in the womb. In addition to maintaining the hea...
smart generation since pregnancy
Having a baby who is born healthy is of course the dream of every parent. To get it, of course, must maintain the health of the womb. Knowledge of pregnant women about the nutritional content that they should consume will have an impact on the baby in the womb. In addition to maintaining the hea...