dr. Nike Trisni, Sp.KJ

dr. Nike Trisni, Sp.KJ


 Hermina Bitung

dr. Nike Trisni, Sp.KJ adalah dokter spesialis yang mendalami ilmu kesehatan jiwa dan perilaku atau psikiatri. Psikiatri sendiri merupakan cabang keilmuan medis yang memiliki fokus pada diagnosis, pengobatan, dan pencegahan terhadap gangguan emosional, kejiwaan, maupun perilaku.
Emotional mental disorders during the election period

  The general election that has just taken place has really attracted the attention of the Indonesian people. The people's great enthusiasm for supporting this democratic party was felt. This important event turned out to have a mental and emotional impact on the contestants and their su...

Recognize Mental Health in Society..

Hello Hermina Friends, Mental health problems have become an unresolved health problem in society, both at the global and national levels. Well, Friends of Hermina really need to know what mental health is going on.   What is meant by a healthy soul?   According to Law Numb...

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