dr. Nilla Mayasari, Sp. KFR

dr. Nilla Mayasari, Sp. KFR

 Physical medicine and rehabilitation

 Hermina Makassar

This doctor unavailable for appointment
dr. Nilla Mayasari, Sp.KFR adalah dokter spesialis kedokteran fisik dan rehabilitasi medik di RS. Hermina Makassar. Beliau adalah dokter spesialis yang berperan membantu mengembalikan fungsi tubuh pasien yang menderita gangguan fungsi tubuh atau kecacatan. Kondisi tersebut bisa disebabkan oleh cedera, kecelakaan, ataupun penyakit.
Get to know Speech Delay and its handling

Understanding Speech Delay Speech delay is a delay in speech and language skills that is not appropriate to the child's age. This condition makes children unable to convey their thoughts due to limited language and understanding. This condition occurs when a child cannot develop speech and la...

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