dr. Nina Anastasia Septina, SpKFR

dr. Nina Anastasia Septina, SpKFR

 Physical medicine and rehabilitation

 Hermina Karawang

How to deal, with sunburn and how to prevent it!

Sunburn is a condition when the skin is burned by the sun. Sunburn, or sunburn, is an inflammatory skin condition that occurs as a result of excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. These UV rays come from the sun and can damage the DNA of skin cells. Although often considered trivial, sunbu...

Find Out!, Understand Speech Delay to the child.

Speech delay is a condition in which a child's speaking ability is slower than that of a child of his or her age. 1. Speech delay signs Babies (0–12 months): Do not make noises other than crying, do not respond to voices, or do not try to imitate voices. Preschool (2–5 years): diffic...

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