dr. Nora Amalia, Sp.P adalah dokter spesialis paru yang praktek dr Rumah Sakit Hermina Bogor. dr. Nora Amalia, Sp.P menangani penyakit dan gangguan pada paru-paru dan saluran pernapasan bagian bawah. dr. Nora Amalia, Sp.P dapat memberikan diagnosa dan menentukan jenis pengobatan yang tepat untuk berbagai masalah pada sistem pernapasan seperti: Asma, infeksi paru, brongkitis, penyakit paru obstruktif kronik (PPOK) dan penyakit paru lainnya. Beliau merupakan lulusan FK Universitas Andalas pada tahun 2015.
Asthma: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Know what is wheezing (breath sounds)?
Have Hermina's Friends ever heard of wheezing?. Wheezing is the sound produced by air flowing through narrowed airways. Wheezing itself is a symptom of temporary respiratory problems or serious conditions that require treatment by a doctor. Wheezing is characterized by whistling-like breath s...
Your Breath Sounds? Watch out for Wheezing
Have Hermina's Friends ever heard of wheezing?. Wheezing is the sound produced by air flowing through narrowed airways. Wheezing itself is a symptom of temporary respiratory problems or serious conditions that require treatment by a doctor. Wheezing is characterized by whistling-like breath s...
What is radiology
Deteriorating Air Quality: COPD Lurks!
It's no longer a secret that deteriorating air quality can threaten the health of the respiratory organs, namely the lungs. Although not the main cause of COPD, exposure to bad air pollution can increase the risk of developing it. So what is COPD? Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) ...