dr Novi Kusumaningrum, Sp.KK, M.D.Ph.D adalah dokter RS Hermina Banyumanik yang memiliki keahlian terkait permasalahan kulit, seperti alergi, dermatitis, psoriasis, infeksi kulit, serta berbagai keluhan kulit yang disebabkan oleh kondisi bawaan, autoimun, maupun keganasan.juga dapat mengatasi berbagai permasalahan kelamin, seperti kutil kelamin dan berbagai jenis penyakit menular seksual.
Understanding Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin, caused by unrepaired DNA damage, thus triggering mut...
Getting to Know Herpes Closer
Getting to Know Herpes Closer What is Herpes? Herpes is a disease characterized by the appearance of red blisters filled with fluid on the skin. The cause of herpes is a virus. Herpes virus infections are typically marked by dry skin, blister sores, or open sores that are fluid-filled. Two...
Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae which attacks the skin, respiratory tract and peripheral nerves. Leprosy is transmitted by: Contact with the skin of leprosy patients for a long time Close contact and transmission from the air (droplets) over...
Recognize the Symptoms of Monkey Pox That You Need to Know
Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958. At that time, an outbreak of a smallpox-like disease was found that attacked the colonies of monkeys that were kept for research, which caused this disease to be called monkeypox or monkeypox. The first case of monkeypox to infect humans was recorded in 19...