dr. Novita Eva Sawitri, Sp.P (K) Onk., M.Kes, FAPSR

dr. Novita Eva Sawitri, Sp.P (K) Onk., M.Kes, FAPSR


 Hermina Solo

dr. Novita Eva, Sp.P adalah dokter RS Hermina Solo yang memiliki keahlian terkait permasalahan keluhan paru-paru seperti sesak nafas, infeksi, dan penyakit obstruktif. dr. Novita Eva, Sp.P juga sudah berpengalaman menangani kasus-kasus kanker dan kegawat-daruratan pada paru. Selain itu, RS Hermina Solo tersedia layanan pemeriksaan spirometri untuk mengetahui adanya gangguan pada fungsi pada pernafasan.
Prevention of Beginner Smokers

Indonesia is a country with the third highest number of smokers in the world. Children are a valuable asset for the country and are increasingly threatened to become tobacco consumers in the future. Preventing children from becoming smokers is very important. The number of child smokers continue...

Prevention of Beginner Smokers

Indonesia is a country with the third highest number of smokers in the world. Children are a valuable asset for the country and are increasingly threatened to become tobacco consumers in the future. Preventing children from becoming smokers is very important. The number of child smokers continue...

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