dr. Patricia Fergie Claudia Halim Puteri, SpGK

dr. Patricia Fergie Claudia Halim Puteri, SpGK


 Hermina Bitung

dr. Patricia Fergie Claudia Halim Puteri, SpGK adalah dokter RS Hermina Bitung yang fokus menangani masalah kesehatan pasien terkait gizi, serta memberikan terapi medis gizi sesuai kondisi pasien dan berorientasi pada riwayat penyakit dan keadaan umum pasien.
Healthy tips during the holidays by regulating your diet

“Healthy tips during the holidays by regulating your diet” Hello Hermina friends, Holidays are the most awaited moment because usually this is an opportunity for Hermina friends to eat more without regulating calories per day. However, it is important to know healthy eating tips during the ho...

Be wary of sweet foods often in children, recognize the symptoms

Hello friend Hermina, do your children often eat sweets? Like modern drinks, donuts and other foods that are high in sugar content? Be alert to the onset of disease. So Hermina's friend, high sugar can actually cause disease, because too much sugar in the blood does not produce enough insulin. I...

Healthy with balanced nutrition

Hello Hermina Friends, diet is very helpful for health, and in managing your diet you also have to know about good and balanced nutrition for the body. It is important to know that balanced nutrition is a daily intake arrangement in which the types and amounts of nutrients are in accordance with...

Control Sugar Daily for a Healthier Life

Hello Hermina friends, do you often eat sweets? Like modern drinks, donuts and other foods that are high in sugar content? Be alert to the onset of disease. So Hermina's friend, high sugar can actually cause disease, because too much sugar in the blood does not produce enough insulin. If experie...

What is Good Nutrition During the Fasting Month?

Hello friend Hermina, the holy month of Ramadan has arrived, it's time for Muslims around the world to fast for one month of Ramadan. Ramadan fasting is a form of worship that involves refraining from everything such as eating, drinking and other bad things. This obligatory fast is carried out f...

How to Manage Nutrition in Hemodialysis Patients

Hello Hermina Friends, hemodialysis patients often ask what is proper nutrition for hemodialysis patients? And why should we know? Because the nutritional diet in patients with kidney failure is a method that regulates the intake of food and drinks that enter the body and must be according to ne...

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