dr. Philosophia Ramadhan, Sp.PD

dr. Philosophia Ramadhan, Sp.PD

 Internal Medicine

 Hermina OPI Jakabaring

Dokter spesialis penyakit dalam, juga dikenal sebagai internis, adalah dokter yang memiliki spesialisasi dalam mendiagnosis, merawat, dan mengelola berbagai kondisi medis kompleks pada orang dewasa. Mereka memiliki pengetahuan mendalam tentang berbagai sistem tubuh dan mampu mengintegrasikan informasi dari berbagai spesialisasi medis untuk memberikan perawatan holistik kepada pasien.
Beware of Diabetes Mellitus in Young Adults

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is defined as a disease or chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels accompanied by disorders of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism as a result of a lack of the hormone insulin. This disease is often thought to only attack older people. In...

Don't As trivial as it is , this is the danger of stomach acid for health

Stomach acid is fluid acid produced by glands _ stomach For help in the digestive process food . Production sour stomach is part important from system digestion , because sour This help in elaborate the food consumed , especially protein, so nutrition can absorbed more efficient by the body . Ho...

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