dr. Poppy adalah seorang dokter spesialis neurologi. Beliau menamatkan pendidikan Dokter Spesialis-1 Ilmu Neurologi di Universitas Indonesia. dr. Poppy merupakan salah satu dokter spesialis neurologi di Rumah Sakit Umum Hermina Manado. Adapun pelayanan kesehatan yang dapat beliau berikan di RSU Hermina Manado berkaitan dengan otak dan sistem saraf, termasuk saraf tulang belakang dan saraf tepi. Penyakit saraf meliputi nyeri kepala, nyeri punggung dan pinggang, spasme otot, neuropati, kesemutan, kram-kram, vertigo, parkinson, gangguan memori, gangguan bicara/afasia, gangguan gerak, tremor, dan tindakan segera atau kondisi gawat darurat (neuroemergensi) dalam bidang saraf seperti stroke, kejang dan cedera kepala. Melakukan deteksi dan penanganan dini pada kasus tumor dan infeksi kepala.
Vertigo can be caused by neck pain and stiffness too, you know?
Vertigo is a feeling of dizziness that causes a sensation of body movement when the body is not moving or a sensation that does not correspond to normal head movement. This sensation is felt like spinning or shaking. Vertigo is a symptom of a disease syndrome that affects the balance system incl...
SeGeRa Ke RS & FAST, the first way to recognize Stroke
Symptoms and signs of stroke are often made into practical abbreviations that make it easier for people to recognize stroke in order to get or seek stroke treatment as soon as possible. Among the slogans used are: Immediately Go to Hospital Asymmetrical smile (turned to one side), ...
Beware of Stroke. Let's Get to Know the Risk Factors
Stroke is a condition of dysfunction of the brain, spinal cord or retina that occurs when the blood supply is disrupted due to blockage or rupture of blood vessels. Stroke has been ranked as the second cause of death in the world since 2016 and the main cause of disability since 2013. Stroke ...
The Importance of the Golden Hour Moment in Stroke Patients
Stroke is one of the most deadly diseases in the world. Not only is it deadly, stroke can also cause disability in the sufferer. This disability or paralysis is one of the results of the patient's inaccurate arrival time at the hospital, namely a maximum of 4.5 hours after the attack. Disa...