Getting to Know Hypertension "The Silent Killer"
Hypertension is often known as "the silent killer", so called because hypertension often occurs without any complaints, but then the patient will find himself with a complicating disease or complications from hypertension. A person will be said to...
Dyslipidemia comes from two words namely "dis" which means disorder, and "lipid" which means cholesterol. So, dyslipidemia is a disorder that occurs in lipoprotein/cholesterol metabolism, whether it is excess or deficiency. Cholesterol is a type of lipid or fat molecule found in the bloodstream ...
A healthy lifestyle is any effort to implement good habits to create a healthy life and avoid bad habits that can harm health. It should be noted that 64% of deaths occur due to a lack of a healthy lifestyle, which are non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, type II diabetes mellitus, an...
It should be noted that bathing after exercising can be harmful to the health of the body, especially to the heart, is it a hoax or a myth? There are two types of cold water categories that are used after exercising, namely water cold immersion and cold water shower. Of the two types of water th...
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Getting to Know Hypertension "The Silent Killer"
Getting to Know Hypertension "The Silent Killer" Hypertension is often known as "the silent killer", so called because hypertension often occurs without any complaints, but then the patient will find himself with a complicating disease or complications from hypertension. A person will be said to...
Getting to Know High Cholesterol, Its Causes and How to Prevent it
Dyslipidemia comes from two words namely "dis" which means disorder, and "lipid" which means cholesterol. So, dyslipidemia is a disorder that occurs in lipoprotein/cholesterol metabolism, whether it is excess or deficiency. Cholesterol is a type of lipid or fat molecule found in the bloodstream ...
Smart Healthy Lifestyle Tips
A healthy lifestyle is any effort to implement good habits to create a healthy life and avoid bad habits that can harm health. It should be noted that 64% of deaths occur due to a lack of a healthy lifestyle, which are non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, type II diabetes mellitus, an...
Cold Shower After Exercising Is Dangerous For The Heart?
It should be noted that bathing after exercising can be harmful to the health of the body, especially to the heart, is it a hoax or a myth? There are two types of cold water categories that are used after exercising, namely water cold immersion and cold water shower. Of the two types of water th...