dr. Putri Perdani, Sp.A merupakan dokter Spesialis Anak atau ahli pediatri yang memiliki fokus pada kesehatan fisik, mental, emosional, tumbuh kembang, dan sosial anak-anak, sejak mereka dilahirkan hingga menjadi remaja, yakni pada sampai usia 18 tahun. Bertugas untuk memberikan tindakan pencegahan penyakit pada anak yang sehat, serta memberikan pengobatan pada anak yang sakit, baik penyakit akut maupun kronis.
Beware of Singapore Flu (HFMD) in Children!
Singapore Flu or also known as HFMD or Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease is an infectious disease that generally occurs in children aged 5-10 years. However, this disease is more likely to attack children under 5 years of age. Singapore flu is a viral disease caused by several types of Coxsackie vir...
Beware of Measles in Children!
Measles is one of the most dangerous and deadly diseases in the world. Included in the number 5 child killer disease in the world. In Indonesia alone, measles is included in the 10 countries with the most incidents. Causes of Measles Measles is caused by the Paramyxovirus (RNA) virus, ge...
Dengue Vaccine, The first step to prevent the natural symptoms of DHF in children!
Dengue or dengue fever vaccine aims to prevent severe dengue hemorrhagic fever. Dengue fever is a deadly infectious disease in countries with tropical and subtropical climates, including Indonesia. Based on data from the Ministry of Health, from the beginning of the year to the 20th week of...