dr. Raissa Alfaathir Heri, Sp.N

dr. Raissa Alfaathir Heri, Sp.N


 Hermina Makassar

dr. Raissa Alfaathir Heri, Sp.N merupakan salah satu dokter spesialis saraf di RS. Hermina Makassar. Beliau adalah dokter spesialis yang berfokus menangani gangguan sistem saraf mulai dari otak, sumsum tulang belakang, otot dan saraf tepi, sehingga bisa melakukan pengobatan seperti stroke, epilepsi, nyeri yang berhubungan dengan gangguan saraf, parkinson
Causes of Leg Cramps at Night

CAUSES OF LEG CRAMPS AT NIGHT Have you ever experienced leg cramps at night, especially the calf area? Of course this is very disturbing and makes a person feel uncomfortable and reduces the quality of good sleep. Leg cramps that occur at night are called nocturnal leg cramps. Cramps are pain...

Causes of Leg Cramps at Night

CAUSES OF LEG CRAMPS AT NIGHT Have you ever experienced leg cramps at night, especially the calf area? Of course this is very disturbing and makes a person feel uncomfortable and reduces the quality of good sleep. Leg cramps that occur at night are called nocturnal leg cramps. Cramps are pain...

Causes of Leg Cramps at Night

CAUSES OF LEG CRAMPS AT NIGHT Have you ever experienced leg cramps at night, especially the calf area? Of course this is very disturbing and makes a person feel uncomfortable and reduces the quality of good sleep. Leg cramps that occur at night are called nocturnal leg cramps. Cramps are pain...

Golden Period in Stroke Management

Stroke is one of the most deadly non-communicable diseases and causes lifelong disability in Indonesia, and even in the world. Stroke is classified as an emergency medical condition that requires immediate treatment. But did you know, stroke can be cured if treated properly and quickly. The ch...

Frequently taking anti-pain medication, is it dangerous for the body?

Pain relievers can be a solution if you experience pain such as joint pain, back pain, headaches and stomach aches if the pain or pain is unbearable. However, quite a few people regularly take pain relievers if they experience these symptoms even though they can still endure the pain. Did you ...

Causes of Leg Cramps at Night

CAUSES OF LEG CRAMPS AT NIGHT Have you ever experienced leg cramps at night, especially the calf area? Of course this is very disturbing and makes a person feel uncomfortable and reduces the quality of good sleep. Leg cramps that occur at night are called nocturnal leg cramps. Cramps are pain...

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