Batuk pilek adalah mekanisme akibat rangsangan iritasi dan inflamasi. Iritasi adalah sesuatu yang merusak atau melukai, efeknya menimbulkan inflamasi.
Sekarang ini perubahan suhu mempengaruhi proses perubahan pada tubuh kita, contohnya dingin-panas, panas-dingin hal ini akan...
Ear health is often ignored by most people. In fact, healthy ears are very important for maintaining body balance and listening to sound. Adverse conditions such as ear infections, hearing loss, and tinnitus can interfere with a person's quality of life. Therefore, maintaining ear health should ...
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Frequent Cough Cold Beware of Otitis Media
Batuk pilek adalah mekanisme akibat rangsangan iritasi dan inflamasi. Iritasi adalah sesuatu yang merusak atau melukai, efeknya menimbulkan inflamasi. Sekarang ini perubahan suhu mempengaruhi proses perubahan pada tubuh kita, contohnya dingin-panas, panas-dingin hal ini akan...
The Importance of Maintaining Ear Health
Ear health is often ignored by most people. In fact, healthy ears are very important for maintaining body balance and listening to sound. Adverse conditions such as ear infections, hearing loss, and tinnitus can interfere with a person's quality of life. Therefore, maintaining ear health should ...