dr. Rakhmi Savitri, Sp.OK merupakan dokter RS Hermina Depok yang berfokus pada identifikasi dan pengelolaan risiko kesehatan yang mungkin dihadapi seseorang di tempat kerjanya. Diperuntukan bagi perusahaan atau badan usaha dengan karyawan mereka, juga bagi para pekerja mandiri atau pekerja sektor informal. Pelayanannya berfokus pada upaya pencegahan serta penegakkan diagnosis okupasi dan tatalaksananya sebagai upaya menjaga dan meningkatkan produktivitas kerja.
Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency in May 2022, there are more than 135 million people, or around 49.2% of the total Indonesian population, who work, both as formal and informal workers. They work in various jobs both inside and outside the building, which are spread in fields rela...
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Workers' Health Checks as One of the Efforts to Improve Work productivity
Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency in May 2022, there are more than 135 million people, or around 49.2% of the total Indonesian population, who work, both as formal and informal workers. They work in various jobs both inside and outside the building, which are spread in fields rela...