dr Ramadia Yunita SpAK

dr Ramadia Yunita SpAK

 Medical Acupuncture

 Hermina Ciledug

dr Ramadia Yunita SpAK adalah dokter Spesialis Akupuntur RS Hermina Bekasi yang fokus pada penanganan anatomi dan fisiologi tubuh untuk merangsang fungsi sel serta sistem organ tertentu, seperti sistem saraf dan otot
Bye Bye Rhinitis With Acupuncture

Do you often experience symptoms? - sneezing in the morning  - ⁠runny, itchy and blocked nose - ⁠headache in the cheek and forehead area - ⁠or there are dark circles under the eyes     It could be that you have allergic rhinitis!! Come on, try medical acupunct...

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