dr. Ratna Hafid, Sp.A

dr. Ratna Hafid, Sp.A


 Hermina Makassar

dr. Ratnah Hafid, Sp.A adalah salah satu dokter spesialis anak di RS. Hermina Makassar. Beliau adalah dokter yang berfokus pada penanganan masalah kesehatan anak sejak lahir hingga usia remaja (18 tahun) yang meliputi pencegahan, pengobatan, hingga perawatan
Singapore Flu in Children, Recognize the Symptoms and Prevention

In recent days, several diseases have emerged and the number of cases of sufferers is increasing, one of which is Singapore flu. This article will discuss the meaning, causes, symptoms and prevention of Singapore flu. Understanding Singapore Flu Singapore flu is a viral infection that caus...

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