dr. Raymond Surya Tan, Sp.OG, FICS, MARS merupakan dokter Spesialis Obstetri & Ginekologi di RS Hermina Podomoro dan Hermina PIK Dua. Beliau menyelesaikan Studi Dokter Umum dan Spesialis dari Universitas Indonesia dan meraih Penghargaan Lulusan Terbaik Se-Indonesia pada periode 2021-2022. dr. Raymond Surya Tan, Sp.OG, MARS dapat menangani serangkaian persiapan kehamilan, pemantauan pertumbuhan janin, persalinan, dan masalah seputar kesehatan wanita lain seperti tumor jinak rahim, tumor jinak indung telur, dan skrining lesi prakanker leher rahim. Beberapa tindakan medis yang dapat dilakukan adalah USG, baik 2D maupun 4D, persalinan (normal, berbantu, seksio sesarea), kuretase, pap smear, IVA, histerektomi (pengangkatan rahim), pengangkatan jaringan abnormal seperti mioma dan kista.
When Is the Best Time to Drink Milk for Pregnant Women?
Milk plays a significant role in the nutritional intake during pregnancy. Pregnant women need to maintain a balanced nutritional intake to support optimal fetal development. One essential component of this intake is milk. However, a common question among Hermina's friends is when i...
5 Warning Signs of Pregnancy Complications That Expecting Mothers Should Not Ignore
The Importance of Recognizing Pregnancy Complications Pregnancy is a time of joy, but it also comes with health risks that should not be overlooked. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 15% of all pregnancies may develop serious complications requiring immediate med...
Myths and Facts: Is It Okay to Have Intercourse During Pregnancy?
When a woman is pregnant, questions often arise about whether it is safe or risky to engage in intimate activities. Myths surrounding the safety of this activity during pregnancy can often lead to confusion. Let's explore the facts. Myths Regarding Intercourse During Pregnancy Myth: ...