dr. Ria Anindita, M.Kes

dr. Ria Anindita, M.Kes

 Medical Acupuncture

 Hermina Palembang

dr. Ria Anindita, M.Kes adalah dokter yang dapat menangani / meringankan keluhan yang disebabkan oleh berbagai kondisi medis tertentu seperti sakit kepala tegang dan migrain, nyeri, misalnya nyeri punggung bawah, leher, dan lutut, atau nyeri pascaoperasi, radang sendi, kelainan saraf, misalnya akibat neuropati, saraf terjepit, dan carpal tunnel syndrome, kram perut akibat menstruasi, menopause, mual dan muntah karena efek samping kemoterapi dan morning sickness, stroke, kesuburan, penderita diabetes dengan teknik Akupuntur
Benefits of acupuncture

Acupuncture is a treatment method from China that has been known for thousands of years, and currently its use has grown in various countries, including Indonesia. According to acupuncture, disease occurs when there is an imbalance of bioenergy in a person's body. Acupuncture therapy is useful ...

Benefits of Acupuncture

Hello Hermina Friends... Acupuncture is a method of treatment from China that has been known for thousands of years, and now its use has been developed in various countries, including Indonesia. According to the science of acupuncture, disease occurs when there is an imbalance of bioenergy in ...

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