dr. Richard Yehuda Limen, Sp.B(K)V

dr. Richard Yehuda Limen, Sp.B(K)V

 Surgery - (Vascular and Endovascular Surgery)

 RSU Hermina Kemayoran

dr. Richard Yehuda Limen, Sp.B(K)V merupakan dokter RS Hermina Kemayoran yang berfokus pada Penanganan Penyakit Vaskuler (Sistem Pembuluh Darah), baik itu pembuluh darah aorta, arteri & vena, maupun sistem limfe. dr. Richard Yehuda Limen, Sp.B(K)V bisa melakukan diagnostik penilaian secara klinis dengan bantuan alat penunjang USG Doppler dan CT Scan. Kemudian penatalaksanaan secara medikamentosa, terapi non pembedahan (endovaskular aorta, arteri, embolisasi dan laser vena) maupun terapi pembedahan atau kombinasi keduanya yang dikenal sebagai terapi Hybrid.
Diabetic Foot Ulcer - Keep an eye on your feet

Diabetic foot is a disorder characterized by infection, scabs, and/or tissue damage associated with abnormalities in the nerves and blood flow of the lower limbs in diabetics. Diabetes causes 40-60% of amputations that are not the result of an accident, and Diabetic Foot affects 4-10% of diabeti...

Diabetic Foot Ulcer - Keep an eye on your feet

Diabetic foot is a disorder characterized by infection, scabs, and/or tissue damage associated with abnormalities in the nerves and blood flow of the lower limbs in diabetics. Diabetes causes 40-60% of amputations that are not the result of an accident, and Diabetic Foot affects 4-10% of diabeti...

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